aids retrovirus

aids retrovirus
вызывающий спид ретровирус

English-Russian small dictionary of medicine. . 2015.

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Смотреть что такое "aids retrovirus" в других словарях:

  • AIDS denialism — refers to the views of a loosely connected group of individuals and organizations who deny that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV/AIDS denialists prefer the terms rethinker or… …   Wikipedia

  • retrovirus — [re′trō vī΄rəs] n. any of a family (Retroviridae) of RNA viruses which have a virion that makes REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE, including the viruses that cause leukemia and AIDS …   English World dictionary

  • aids — s. f. 2 núm. [Brasil] [Medicina] Doença grave, transmitida por via sexual ou sanguínea e caracterizada pela destruição ou pelo desaparecimento das reações imunitárias do organismo. [O agente da sida é o retrovírus VIH. A doença caracteriza se… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • AIDS — /aydz/, n. Pathol. a disease of the immune system characterized by increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections, as pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and candidiasis, to certain cancers, as Kaposi s sarcoma, and to neurological disorders:… …   Universalium

  • Retrovirus — Familie Retroviridae HI Virus (Grafik) Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung: nicht klassifiziert …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • AIDS — Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, auch Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (englisch für „erworbenes Immundefektsyndrom“), zumeist abgekürzt als AIDS oder Aids benannt, bezeichnet eine spezifische Kombination von Symptomen, die beim Menschen in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • AIDS — For other uses, see AIDS (disambiguation). Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Classification and external resources …   Wikipedia

  • Aids — Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, auch Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (englisch für „erworbenes Immundefektsyndrom“), zumeist abgekürzt als AIDS oder Aids benannt, bezeichnet eine spezifische Kombination von Symptomen, die beim Menschen in …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • AIDS origin — HIV, the infectious agent that causes AIDS, is thought to have originated in non human primates in sub Saharan Africa and to have been transferred to humans during the 20th century.Two species of HIV infect humans: HIV 1 and HIV 2. HIV 2 may have …   Wikipedia

  • AIDS virus — noun : HIV herein * * * a variable retrovirus that invades and inactivates helper T cells of the immune system and is a cause of AIDS and AIDS related complex: variants were identified in several laboratories and independently named… …   Useful english dictionary

  • retrovirus — retroviral, adj. /re treuh vuy reuhs, re treuh vuy /, n., pl. retroviruses. any of a family of single stranded RNA viruses having a helical envelope and containing an enzyme that allows for a reversal of genetic transcription, from RNA to DNA… …   Universalium

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